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The Coroner Case Management System

The Coroner Case Management System

Coming soon...

The Coroner Case Management System (CCMS), built on the iTrac IMS® foundation, is an entirely web based case management solution that allows Coroners and Pathologists to efficiently create and manage a death investigation and quickly gather, organize and share all investigation and inquest data.

Since the CCMS can be accessed by any device capable of launching a browser, Coroners can input investigation information while on site using tablets or smartphones. External parties such as funeral homes can be given access to input billing information, view payment status, etc.

All Death Investigations are displayed and easily accessed. Coroners can be assigned to cases or they can select an unassigned case. All information related to an investigation (Autopsies, Inquests, Evidence, Medical, etc.) can be directly accessed via a very intuitive graphical interface. Extensive use of dropdown lists, fully edited fields and a highly flexible workflow and notifications engine ensures that all of the information components, notifications, authorizations, etc. comprising the lifecycle of a death investigation are quickly and accurately gathered and organized. The workload necessary to ensure that all case components are present and accurate is greatly reduced for administrative staff.

All expenses related to the investigative process are managed and calculated using user configurable rate tables and invoice templates. Dropdown lists and information fields are also fully user configurable allowing the Coroner's Office to quickly modify investigation information (e.g. add a new drug to the Illicit/Illegal drug list or add a new field to a Traffic Fatality information record) without requiring the use of information technology resources.

Robust, role based security ensures that all confidential information is available only to authorized users, information can be fully secured down to an individual field level, comprehensive auditing is also provided.